The College provides two common rooms, one for the men and one for the women students of the college for healthy recreation and mutual contact among the students. There is provision for a few indoor games and T.v. for each common room. Newspaper and Journals on Odia and English are also placed in the common reading room for the use of the students. Peons are attached to the common rooms to cater to the small needs of the students. The Principal nominates two members from among the staff remain in charge of the common rooms.


The use of T V. and other electronic materials are handed over to senior representatives of the Boys and Girls’ common rooms. The attached peon is required to take care of materials after the end of the day. No other students can handle the materials without the’ permission of the representatives. The representatives of the common rooms are personally responsible for any loss or damage of the materials. The T. V. should not be used during the college hours, however ‘for listening to news items, commentary etc.” the T. V. may be played at a low volume so as not to disturb others (classes). On Sundays and holidays the T. V. can be played at any time between 6A.M. to 10 P.M. subject to the condition that the boy’s common room is open during the time. All other instructions that may be issued from time to time either by the Principal or by the Professor in charge; Boys’ Common Room/Girls’ Common Room will be strictly adhered to. Any violation in this regard will be deemed as misconduct.