• Welcome to Chikiti Mahavidyalaya


Principal’s Desk

The stated Vision and Mission are pursued through curricular,extracurricular, co-curricular, cultural activities, Seminars,Counselling and group discussions. Technical skills are developed by conducting field studies and practical classes and writing skills through different tests and examinations. Self discipline, social and cultural values are inculcated among students through N.S.S.,Y.R.C., Sports, games and extension activityprogrammes.

About College


This Institution got permanent concurrence for three year degree course both in the +3 Science and Arts with honours facilities in Physics More…



Chikiti Mahavidyalaya is affiliated to the Council of higher Secondary Education, Odisha, Bhubaneswar, and to Berhampur University More…

College Library


Library of a college or University is an essential part of contributing to the scholarly pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.. The library More…

College Rules


No student shall remain outside his/her class room. Students are forbidden to loiter on the corridors/ verandah . They are advised to stay in More…

About College

Chikiti is situated in the South-East part of Ganjam district bordering Andhra Pradesh. The place and people of Chikiti have a significant position in the cultural history of Odisha. Chikiti had taken a special role in formation of the state of Odisha as well as in the National Freedom Movement. This area with a rich cultural heritage was long neglected in the field of higher education. Upto 1980, there was no scope for the educational development of the local people and the people of nearby tribal and border areas.



  • Academic Focus – our students come from across the city

  • Residential Courses – we encourage learning and growth

  • People Not Profits – education is a right not a privilege


The stated Vision and Mission are pursued through curricular, extracurricular, co-curricular, cultural activities, Seminars, Counselling, and group discussions. Technical skills are developed by conducting field studies and practical classes and writing skills through different tests and examinations. Self-discipline, social and cultural values are inculcated among students through N.S.S, Y.R.C, Sports, games, and extension activity programs.

The Institution is located in a socially economically backward area with a teeming population of rural poor and marginalized people for whom higher education is a far-reaching dream. Therefore, the vision of the Institution is to spread higher education among rural youth who cannot afford to study outside. Further, it envisions to provide quality education to the students and make them self-reliant and a good human being with a moral leaning.

The goal and important objectives of this premier educational institution are :

  • To inculcate the habit of social, cultural, and ethical activities among the students.
  • To build a knowledge society.
  • To produce disciplined, morally, and socially committed citizens.


  • No student shall remain outside his/her classroom.
  • Students are forbidden to loiter on the corridors/ verandah. They are advised to stay in student’s Common Room / Reading Room during their leisure hours.
  • Students need to occupy their seats before the teacher enters the classroom and shall not leave their seats when a lecturer is in progress.





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